Bucyrus City Auditor Joyce Schifer gave this update on the Ohio family stricken by botulism poisoning from home-canning gone bad:

“Joann Palm’s family is still very sick from botulism poisoning. Her 15-year-old son is still in Akron’s Children’s Hospital and she is staying at the Ronald McDonald House there,” Schifer said. “Her parents are still in Mansfield General Hospital but are doing better. One of her twin daughters was also affected and while she is back in school, she still gets worn out easily and is in speech therapy from the problems caused by the botulism.

“Her son will soon be moved to Children’s Hospital in Columbus, but it will be a long process for him to get well. Many city employees have donated their sick time to Joann and that is very much appreciated.”

The Palm family was affected by the botulism after eating home-canned green beans.